Makeup for self-care as a blind mum

We believe in celebrating individuality and the unique ways we all find to express ourselves. We are delighted to share Sylvia’s experiences, who has embraced makeup as a form of self-care as a blind mum.

Sylvia finds joy in applying makeup. She describes it as a form of art, and it’s a testament to her love for self-expression.

I’ve never been good at art, but I definitely enjoy my little art projects on my face.

Sylvia’s approach to makeup is refreshing. She encourages others to view it as a form of self-love and a way to celebrate their unique beauty.

These two short videos share Sylvia’s love of makeup and the process of her routine.

Sylvia says

It might not be perfect, but it’s me.

Never lose your passion for what you love, just because it may not be how everyone else does it. Be you, do you, and let it glow.

Let’s encourage others to carry their uniqueness with pride and power!

Makeup is a form of self care for me

Video Description

Sylvia is a Visually impaired black woman with long multi-tonal wavy red braids and patterned blue, beige and white silky shirt. She wears a large gold beaded necklace, which hangs in multiple short strands across her neck, above a finer chain with a gold pendant. The video remains at face level as she talks.

20 second makeup routine

Video description

Sylvia is a Visually impaired black woman with long black twisted braids with beads and charms woven into the front four near her face. The video shows her face as she applies makeup. She starts by placing a piece of fabric over her chest to protect her red strappy top. She then applies each makeup product in order of foundation, mascara, brow pencil, blush, setting spray and lip colour.

Products used in this video:

Makeup brush set – Next

Foundation – Estee Lauder

Concealer – Rimmel London

Brow mascara and pencil – local beauty supply store

Blush – Nicka K New York

Setting spray – NYX Cosmetics

Lip colour – Brown from Avon and Red from Next

Henshaws graphic with pink and purple shapes

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