Debbie shares some useful knowledge that can help those with sight loss cross the road in a safe manner.
Debbie introduces tactile paving, explaining the different patterns you will come across, as well as the little secret hidden under the signal box that will help you cross the road safely.
This video discusses two life hacks for safely crossing the road when you’re blind. Debbie shares tips for people with sight loss and other disabilities to be independent when out and about.
The first life hack involves tactile paving, a ground surface that changes to assist those using long roller canes. Debbie highlights three types of tactile paving. Blister paving is used at pedestrian crossings, alerting individuals to stop when they hear the beep. Offset blister paving is found at train, tram, and underground stations, signalling the platform edge and the need to stop. Corduroy paving consists of raised strips with rounded edges, indicating potential hazards ahead, like stairs or level crossings.
However, the next challenge is knowing when it’s safe to cross after stopping at a pedestrian crossing with a beeping noise. Debbie reveals a little-known trick: underneath one of the pedestrian crossing boxes, there’s a small revolving metal cone with ridges. When the green man appears, the cone starts revolving, indicating that the cars have been signalled to stop. This allows the person to know when it’s safe to cross the road.
Despite the helpfulness of these life hacks, it’s essential to remain cautious and listen for approaching cars, as the revolving cone doesn’t guarantee absolute safety. Being aware of the surroundings is crucial.