Henshaws offers a bespoke timetable to all students, taking individual subjects from the list below, we create a personalised timetable that is flexible and will evolve with your interests and progression to meet your EHCP Outcomes.
Subjects include:
- Outdoor Learning – Horticulture and Forest School
- Creative Arts – Art, Music, Drama and Movement
- Communication – ICT, Intensive Interaction, Storytelling, IMuse, End of the day review
- Plan/Shop/Cook
- Functional Skills Community & Enterprise
- On & Off Campus Work Experience
- Volunteering
- Careers, Information, Advice and Guidance
- Physical Education – Sport, Gym, Wellbeing, Swimming
- PSHCE – Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education
- Duke of Edinburgh Award
English and Maths will be embedded into all sessions for students. Some students may, if identified work towards accredited English and Maths qualifications.