The video features an artist named Matilda, also known as Matty Art, who shares her inspiring journey as a visually impaired creator. Born in London, she grew up in Costa Rica until the age of 18 and later lived in various cities, including Barcelona and Manchester. Matilda has experienced eyesight issues since a young age, with limited vision in her right eye and recent complications in her left eye due to uveitis, inflammation caused by arthritis.
Her artistic passion has been a constant in her life, and in recent years, the realisation that her vision may deteriorate further has driven her to be even more creative. She works full-time in the creative sector, creating written and visual content, while pursuing her art and personal projects on the side.
Matilda reflects on her eye conditions, including cataracts and a retinal detachment, and the challenges she faced, such as wearing eye patches as a child. Despite these difficulties, she has always loved art, writing, and painting, and during a time when she feared losing her eyesight entirely, she intensified her art creation.
Her art style involves experimentation, using a mix of materials like acrylic and industrial paint to create different textures and styles. Her eye condition has influenced her artwork, and she finds it fascinating to look back at her earlier paintings, realising that her limited eyesight influenced the colours she used.
Matilda also shares her journey to acceptance and gratitude for her eyesight challenges, symbolised by a tattoo representing transformation. She believes her art serves as a means to express her story, and she is grateful for her eyesight issues because they have led her to where she is today.
Living with visual impairment, Matilda has faced difficulties in maintaining her independence and has had to adapt to new ways of doing things. She now values her relationships and is more open to asking for help when needed.
The video also highlights the support Matilda received from Henshaws, an organisation that aids people with visual impairments. They offered virtual tours, workshops, and guidance, helping her realise that despite her disability, she can still lead a fulfilling and creative life.
In conclusion, Matilda’s story is one of determination, resilience, and embracing one’s challenges. Her visual impairment has served as a driving force for her creativity, and she is grateful for the opportunities it has brought her. Through her art, she not only expresses herself but also inspires others to overcome their own obstacles and live life to the fullest.