Sensory Arts
In this amazing workshop, we do a variety of sensory focused arts and crafts and sensory play activities that relate to Artmakers senses: touch, sight, sound, smell and taste.
Artmakers will learn how to explore and create through different mediums like clay, sand, paint, water, foam, food and light. Working both independently and as a group, this workshop will be social as well as creative and is tailored per session to your likes and needs.
Sensory Arts
Sensory Arts is a good mixture between Art Studio activities and Multi-Sensory activities and can be transported outdoors allowing Artmakers to make use of the gardens too, stimulating more senses. Below is everything you need to know about our Sensory Arts.
Kind words from our Artmakers
Small amount of focus but has continuously joined in with activities and says ‘happy’ and ‘like it’ especially when painting.
LI Artmaker -
Loved marbling activity and anything messy. 1-1 support staff said ‘A’s favourite day of the week is coming here’ ‘A loves seeing her friend C [other Art Maker in workshop]’.
AW Artmaker -
Concentration on activities has improved immensely since joining Sensory Arts. N usually loves to make pom-poms during her sessions, but has enthusiastically focused on new activities too which we think is improving mental health during time in this session.
NG Artmaker